Container Düsseldorf - rent cheap containers


Container Preise Düsseldorf

Container prices

Container-Containerdienst Preise in Düsseldorf


Construction rubble is the name given to mineral materials that are recyclable. Construction rubble can be found on every construction site, whether in large or small piles. Whether it is a bathroom, basement, living room or foundation wall renovation, wherever there is renovation work such as demolition, replacement of old ceramic objects, radiators, replacement of boilers or extensions, construction rubble is generated. Whether in the form of coarse paving slabs or pieces of wall, or in fragments the size of a walnut, everything can be disposed of in a container. Our container service in Düsseldorf and the surrounding area has various container sizes, so the quantity is not important in the first place. Construction rubble raw materials include:

• Concrete

• Mortar and tile residues

• Tiles

• Lime / cement plaster

• Ceramics

• Masonry

• Sand-lime bricks

• Natural stone

• Brick

• smaller amounts of sand

The pure disposal of construction rubble by our container service should only contain mineral recyclables, as listed above. When disposing of paper, cardboard, foil or varnish and paint, disposal becomes considerably more expensive. Use the appropriate waste containers for this type of waste. Since construction rubble usually contains several tons, our container service offers containers in various sizes so that there is something suitable for every amount of waste, no matter how small or large. Everything from skips to roll-off containers can be provided on request. Since demolition and renovation work can often last for several days or weeks, it is no problem to provide the containers for your construction rubble over a longer period of time. Construction rubble disposal Düsseldorf.

The prices listed here - fixed prices - are final prices including 19% VAT and include

Arrival and departure, the professional disposal including disposal certificate, as well as the

Container rental for 7 working days

(Prerequisite for the fixed prices is the filling of the containers with the specified

Ingredients according to the listed waste types, as well as the maximum filling of the containers below

the loading edge and our general terms and conditions)

Construction waste container prices for Düsseldorf from:

3m³ container from 199€

If the display is installed on public land, the City of Düsseldorf will charge special usage fees.

We will be happy to inform you about prices and procedures.

Order by phone at 0177 8388383


Renovating, renovating or insulating creates a lot of waste. Whether inside or outside, whether an apartment, house or other building, each of them will need repair sooner or later. Whether concrete slabs, plastic foils, wooden beams, ceramic inventory, tiles, plastic or metal pipes, window frames with glass remnants and packaging, carpets such as carpet, laminate or PVC, plasterboard and plasterboard, glass, cable layers or bricks, everything falls under the term mixed construction waste. Depending on the size of the property, it makes sense to get a container for mixed construction waste, as such measures often take a lot of time. This saves you a lot of time, as you can simply store or dispose of everything in a container one after the other. Since all types of raw materials can be disposed of in a mixed construction waste container, you can fill the container with almost anything that comes about during demolition or renovation. Except liquids, hazardous substances and types of hazardous waste. If you have any questions about filling mixed construction waste containers, contact us at

Phone: 0177 8388383

However, some things do not belong in a mixed construction waste container, for example raw materials that fall into the category of hazardous waste, such as asbestos, roofing felt, polystyrene or fibrous insulation materials such as glass fibre wool, rubber tyres, oil and solvents, painting accessories, paints and varnishes. These hazardous substances must be disposed of separately. Household waste does not belong in it either. Mixed construction waste container Düsseldorf.

The prices listed here - fixed prices - are final prices including 19% VAT and include

Arrival and departure, the professional disposal including disposal certificate, as well as the

Container rental for 7 working days

(Prerequisite for the fixed prices is the filling of the containers with the specified

Ingredients according to the listed waste types, as well as the maximum filling of the containers below

the loading edge and our general terms and conditions)

Mixed construction waste containers in Düsseldorf prices from:

3m³ container from 395€

If the display is installed on public land, the City of Düsseldorf will charge special usage fees.

We will be happy to inform you about prices and procedures.

Order by phone at 0177 8388383


Sooner or later, every apartment, house and property will have bulky waste that has accumulated over time and needs to be disposed of or recycled. When choosing the inventory that ends up in bulky waste, broken or old items are given priority. It is not important what the circumstances of the furniture are, because what has to go, has to go. Unfortunately, many people do not know exactly what is bulky waste and put everything they get their hands on in a waste container. Bulky waste includes items that do not fit into household waste containers due to their size. But there are a few things to consider when putting together bulky waste. Refrigerators, monitors or televisions, roofing felt, asbestos, car batteries, washbasins and toilet bowls, varnishes, liquid emulsions or acids, paints, preservatives for wood or plants, electrical appliances of all kinds, fluorescent lamps and tubes do not belong in bulky waste. The term bulky waste is very broad. Almost everything that belongs to a household can be put in bulky waste. From beds, tables, cupboards, toys, ladders, dog houses, paddling pools, door gates, carpet runners, mattresses, PVC floors, strollers to sleighs. Depending on how much waste needs to be disposed of, one or more containers can be provided. These differ from one another in size and type. Ordering a container is worthwhile insofar as the clearance work takes more time. For example, when clearing out households, clearing out or messy apartments, where the work and clearing out can sometimes take several days. If a bulky waste container is required, it does not matter whether it is for commercial or private premises. Everything that the customer no longer needs can be disposed of by a container service. Since there is often a long wait for bulky waste to be collected, it is worthwhile to provide a bulky waste container. This takes the time pressure off of sorting out the unusable, is cheaper and you don't have to worry about the journey or the collection yourself, so you can take all the time in the world to really look through everything and maybe even get rid of hidden things. Bulky waste disposal in Düsseldorf and the surrounding area.

The prices listed here - fixed prices - are final prices including 19% VAT and include

Arrival and departure, the professional disposal including disposal certificate, as well as the

Container rental for 7 working days

(Prerequisite for the fixed prices is the filling of the containers with the specified

Ingredients according to the listed waste types, as well as the maximum filling of the containers below

the loading edge and our general terms and conditions)

Bulky waste container prices for Düsseldorf from:

3m³ container from 395€

Container Düsseldorf,Container service Düsseldorf,Container prices Düsseldorf,Container service prices Düsseldorf,Container rental,Container rental Düsseldorf,,

If bulky waste containers are placed on public land, the City of Düsseldorf charges special usage fees.

We will be happy to inform you about prices and procedures.

Order by phone at 0177 8388383


Spring and autumn are the main seasons for gardening. Leaves fall from the trees, hedges are trimmed, gardens are mowed, landscapes are worked on. Whether private, public or commercial properties, green waste can be found everywhere. Garden waste is organic and therefore biodegradable, which is precisely why many people dispose of it in forest areas. But what they don't take into account is that this uncontrolled growth disturbs and destroys natural biotopes. The sometimes thick layers of green waste and garden waste that are disposed of in forests deprive the plants of air to breathe and they begin to rot sooner or later. Disposing of garden waste and green waste of all kinds promotes the growth of non-native plants such as nettles and supplies the soil with nutrients, mainly nitrogen, and this is more than is good for nature. Local and rare plants can no longer spread. In addition to the environmental damage, this disposal can also result in fines. Since the disposal of green waste and garden waste in the open air is prohibited, there is the option of renting one or more containers. There are containers with loading ramps for wheelbarrows, and there are containers with doors and open containers for easy filling. Disposal of garden waste in Düsseldorf. The following garden waste/green waste is taken away by our container service:


Lawn cutting


Branches up to 15cm diameter



diseased plant parts

Hedges, tree and shrub trimming

Not too wet leaves



The prices listed here - fixed prices - are final prices including 19% VAT and include

Arrival and departure, the professional disposal including disposal certificate, as well as the

Container rental for 7 working days

(Prerequisite for the fixed prices is the filling of the containers with the specified

Ingredients according to the listed waste types, as well as the maximum filling of the containers below

the loading edge and our general terms and conditions)

Green waste container prices in Düsseldorf from:

3m³ container from 210€

If containers for green garden waste are placed on public land, the City of Düsseldorf charges special usage fees.

We will be happy to inform you about prices and procedures.

Order by phone at 0177 8388383


We dispose of wood of waste wood classes A1- A3

Waste wood class A1: this refers to wood that is disposed of without any residues of paint, glue or other chemical substances. Boards that are untreated, in their natural state.

Wood that is produced during deforestation

Pallets and boxes


Remains of sawing work

Wood briquettes

Support beam without glaze

Waste wood class A2: Waste wood class II refers to wood that has been treated and improved by gluing, coating, painting, varnishing or in some other way. Waste wood class II includes wood with non-halogenated organic compounds (PVC) in the coating and no wood preservative.

Offcuts, cuttings, chips from wood materials and other treated wood (without harmful impurities)

Pallets made of wood materials

Formwork timbers from construction sites

Floorboards, false floors, plank formwork, ceiling panels, door leaves, frames, etc. from interior fittings (without harmful contamination)


Furniture without PVC coatings


Old wood class 3: Old wood that can be purchased with halogenated organic compounds (PVC) in the coating but which has been processed without wood preservatives belongs to this category

other pallets with composite materials

PVC coatings

The prices listed here - fixed prices - are final prices including 19% VAT and include

Arrival and departure, the professional disposal including disposal certificate, as well as the

Container rental for 7 working days

(Prerequisite for the fixed prices is the filling of the containers with the specified

Ingredients according to the listed waste types, as well as the maximum filling of the containers below

the loading edge and our general terms and conditions)

Wood waste wood disposal in containers prices in Düsseldorf from:

3m³ container from 275€

If containers for the disposal of wood are set up on public land, the City of Düsseldorf charges special usage fees.

We will be happy to inform you about prices and procedures.

Order by phone at 0177 8388383


Disposal of tree trunks in a container. A tree has been felled and the tree trunk needs to be disposed of properly. We can do this in a container for tree trunks and at a fixed price. Collection of tree trunks by the local container service.

Anyone who fells a large tree in their garden will quickly run into problems when it comes to disposal. What should you do with the tree trunks? Tree trunks and stumps, as well as branches and roots with a diameter of more than 15 centimeters, cannot be collected with normal green waste or taken to the local recycling center. So what options do you have to get rid of the wood properly?

That's where we come in, with our containers for the disposal of tree trunks in Düsseldorf and the surrounding area, the nearest free local container service will pick up the tree trunks as quickly as possible at a fixed price.

The prices listed here - fixed prices - are final prices including 19% VAT and include

Arrival and departure, the professional disposal including disposal certificate, as well as the

Container rental for 7 working days

(Prerequisite for the fixed prices is the filling of the containers with the specified

Ingredients according to the listed waste types, as well as the maximum filling of the containers below

the loading edge and our general terms and conditions)

Disposal of tree trunks in containers in Düsseldorf and the surrounding area from:

3m³ container from 275€

If containers for the disposal of tree trunks and roots are set up on public land, the City of Düsseldorf will charge special usage fees.

We will be happy to inform you about prices and procedures.

Order by phone at 0177 8388383

Excavated soil disposal in containers Düsseldorf and surrounding areas

Excavated earth or uncontaminated earth or soil is generated during private or commercial construction projects. Excavated earth/soil is a separate type of waste.

Excavated soil usually contains parts of natural stones. Depending on its quality, excavated soil can also be used as topsoil.

Excavated soil is treated as a building material in construction supplies but also as a waste disposal fraction. Excavated soil from the area of contaminated site remediation is subject to special disposal conditions, and the cost of this disposal can only be determined after a soil analysis.

You can fill the container with the following ingredients: excavated soil, clay, topsoil, sand

The following must not be placed in the container for excavated earth: turf, road sweeping residues, asphalt, concrete, contaminated soil, wood, masonry, organic matter, stones, bricks and all other types of waste.

The prices listed here - fixed prices - are final prices including 19% VAT and include

Arrival and departure, the professional disposal including disposal certificate, as well as the

Container rental for 7 working days

(Prerequisite for the fixed prices is the filling of the containers with the specified

Ingredients according to the listed waste types, as well as the maximum filling of the containers below

the loading edge and our general terms and conditions)

Disposal of soil topsoil prices in Düsseldorf from:

3m³ container from 290€

If containers are set up for the disposal of excavated soil on public land, the City of Düsseldorf will charge special usage fees.

We will be happy to inform you about prices and procedures.

Order by phone at 0177 8388383

Gypsum, Rigips disposal in containers in Düsseldorf and surrounding areas

Plaster and plasterboard residues can arise not only on construction sites, but also in private households.

When building partition walls or room walls, plasterboard and gypsum boards are very often used as building materials.

When building ceilings and walls, leftovers are created that can no longer be used.

Gypsum and gypsum waste are neither harmful nor dangerous, but due to components such as glass fibres in plasterboard, they fall into the area of normal waste disposal.

For construction projects, the crystal water is partially removed from natural gypsum by heating it. The required strength is then added to the plasterboard using reinforcing materials and then glued onto cardboard panels, for example.

These unnatural components must be disposed of properly. We do this by setting up containers for gypsum and plasterboard disposal in Düsseldorf and the surrounding area.

Gypsum waste - what can be disposed of in a container for gypsum plasterboard?

Plasterboard, plaster walls (Rigips), building lime, building gypsum, plaster moldings, gypsum plaster and drywall elements.

In most plaster constructions you will also find other materials which must be disposed of separately.

If the waste is mixed, the container can no longer be declared as gypsum waste, but would then be considered mixed construction waste, which would then have a significantly higher cost for disposal.

The prices listed here - fixed prices - are final prices including 19% VAT and include

Arrival and departure, the professional disposal including disposal certificate, as well as the

Container rental for 7 working days

(Prerequisite for the fixed prices is the filling of the containers with the specified

Ingredients according to the listed waste types, as well as the maximum filling of the containers below

the loading edge and our general terms and conditions)

Disposal of plasterboard in containers in Düsseldorf and surroundings Prices from:

3m³ container from 299€

If containers for the disposal of gypsum waste are set up on public land, the City of Düsseldorf will charge special usage fees.

We will be happy to inform you about prices and procedures.

Order by phone at 0177 8388383

Paper cardboard disposal in containers in Düsseldorf and surroundings

Do you want to dispose of large quantities of paper and cardboard? We can do this for a fixed price agreed in advance throughout the entire city of Düsseldorf.

CONTAINERS for the disposal of paper and cardboard in different sizes.

The following types of paper and cardboard can be disposed of in a paper and cardboard container:


Paper school supplies,

Paper, cardboard and cardboard from offices and administrations,

Gift wrapping paper and cardboard,

Packaging made of paper, cardboard and carton,

Egg cartons.

The following do not belong in the paper-cardboard container:

Composite materials – beverage cartons (yellow bag),

Wallpaper (residual waste),

Wax, paraffin, bitumen and oil paper or cardboard (residual waste or yellow bag for packaging),

Thermal paper – receipts, tickets (residual waste),

Carbonless paper,

Wet-strength impregnated and/or glued paper and cardboard – posters (residual waste or yellow bag for packaging),

Lacquer, glaze and chromo paper and cardboard made with plastic varnishes or films (residual waste or yellow bag for packaging),

Papers with adhesive applications that cannot be easily separated (sticky notes, address labels, self-adhesive closures on envelopes) (residual waste or yellow bag for packaging). An exception to this are paper products that are marked with the Blue Angel. These may only contain adhesives that are assessed as sufficiently detachable according to the recognized test methods INGEDE 12 & Score Card. These papers can be disposed of with the waste paper.

The prices listed here - fixed prices - are final prices including 19% VAT and include

Arrival and departure, the professional disposal including disposal certificate, as well as the

Container rental for 7 working days

(Prerequisite for the fixed prices is the filling of the containers with the specified

Ingredients according to the listed waste types, as well as the maximum filling of the containers below

the loading edge and our general terms and conditions)

Container prices for disposal of paper and cardboard in Düsseldorf from

3m³ container 210€

If containers for the disposal of paper and cardboard are set up on public land, the City of Düsseldorf charges special usage fees.

We will be happy to inform you about prices and procedures.

Order by phone at 0177 8388383

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<meta name="geo.region" content="DE-NW">
<meta name="description" content="Container service and disposal service in Düsseldorf. We offer professional disposal solutions for private and business customers. Contact us for container rental, waste disposal and recycling services.">
<meta name="keywords" content="Container service, disposal, Düsseldorf, waste disposal, container rental, recycling">

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Containerdienst Düsseldorf | Professionelle Container mieten und Abfall entsorgen